Acquiring knowledge needed to understand techniques needed for attacks on and defense of computer systems.
After a completed course a student will:
(1) understand the nature of computer system vulnerability
(2) understand the nature of attacks on a computer system and be capable of conducting such attacks in a laboratory setting
(3) be capable of implementing solutions within computer systems which minimize attack success.
(1) introduction to security
(2) a history of computer system security
(3) computer system architecture (in the broadest sense) as a source of system security
(4) internet of things as a technology with vulnerable architectures
(5) operating system security
(6) weaknesses in memory management
(7) malicious software
Teaching will consist of lectures, additional forms of education and consultation. The theoretic foundations of the subject are studied as part of the lectures, while the knowledge is further developed and practical skills are acquired through supplemental forms of education. Interaction with the students is conducted through consultations.