Fakultet tehničkih nauka - Departman za računarstvo i automatiku
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organizuje predavanje:
Spatial Database Research and PhD Opportunities at Singapore Management University
Kyriakos Mouratidis,
Assistant Professor
Singapore Management University,
School of Information Systems
Prof. Kyriakos Mouratidis from the School of Information Systems (SIS) at Singapore Management University (SMU) will give a talk about his research on spatial databases and about PhD opportunities at SIS. The presentation will start with basic information about Singapore, SMU and SIS. Following that, Prof. Mouratidis will give an overview of his recent research projects on spatial databases. The latter part of the presentation will focus on the PhD programme at SIS, the full scholarship support to PhD students, and the key features that make it distinct from PhD studies elsewhere. A mention will be made to the Living Analytics Research Centre (a research centre founded in SMU in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, USA), the opportunities it offers to PhD students, and the option to conduct part of their thesis research at Carnegie Mellon University. The talk will continue with employment opportunities for PhD graduates, and conclude with questions from the audience.
Short CV:
Kyriakos Mouratidis is an Assistant Professor at the School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University (SMU). He received his BSc degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and his PhD degree in Computer Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research area is spatial databases, with a focus on continuous query processing, road network databases and spatial optimization problems. He has also worked on preference-based queries, wireless broadcasting systems, and certain database privacy topics. At SMU he teaches the Data Management, and Advanced Data Management courses.
Mesto predavanja:
FTN, Svečana sala
Termin predavanja:
ponedeljak, 10. decembar 2012., 12.00 – 13.30
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane studente i kolege da prisustvuju ovom predavanju.
Dodatak | Veličina |
Kyriakos-PhD-Programme-2012-Month12-08.pdf | 2.87 MB |
Kyriakos - Research Poster.ppt | 745 KB |